Tim Gentry Clubspeed President
Tim Gentry is a person of many talents: a global contributor, an adventurist, and a leader looking to better the world. He is a driven individual who is looking to help others and give back throughout his life.
Global Contribution
As a Global Contributor, Tim Gentry sees the world as being more connected every moment. Today you can order a handmade item from across the globe and have it delivered to your door in a few days, which was beyond our imagination a few short decades ago. As this connectedness and the emerging global economy continue to grow, Tim believes that leaders need to embrace the changing world by providing businesses with opportunities to adapt and innovate without boundaries. This expansion will not just provide better products and services, but it will provide new opportunities for all.
Global contribution also means focusing on more than just cost-effectiveness. While globalization was driven by the concept of lean manufacturing, now more and more regions/countries are building specialized knowledge, leveraging cultural advantages, and creating valuable insights and outputs. This is changing the landscape of where we seek talent. The global economy is transforming into a new diverse workforce full of freelancers and developed skill sets. Tim knows that being a global contributor means continually challenging yourself to understand the nuances of this emerging economy in such a way that you can add value and consistently test markets for new skills.
As an Adventurist, there’s nothing Tim Gentry loves more than trying new things and meeting new people. As someone always looking to grow, Tim sees adventure as a way to challenge your worldview. The more you push your boundaries, the more you can contribute in a meaningful and connected way.
Part of being an Adventurist is learning to embrace being a novice. Many people want to master something perfectly the first try and, if they don’t, they become disinterested in continuing; admittedly, Tim used to be one of those people. However, he realized that allowing yourself to deal with the insecurities, fear, and failure of being a beginner is an adventure in and of itself. He challenges himself to find ways to be a beginner continually. Tim believes this allows him to live a life that provides learning, adaptability, and humility.
While in college, Tim Gentry began to develop his leadership abilities while playing sports. Tim believes each person has a specific leadership style; he first identified his own from observing a role model, Coach Wood, who exemplified great leadership. His leadership style was leading from the front, jumping in to show players how to do things, and being as much a coach as a part of the team itself. This style was not only incredibly effective but also resonated so strongly with Tim, that he was able to model his leadership style in business after his football coach’s example.
Like any true leader, Tim Gentry sees leadership as an ongoing journey. While there is a lot of debate as to whether a great leader is born or made, he sees it as a skill that you must continually develop. While some people might be naturally better leaders, leadership can be learned by anyone. It’s about being open, making mistakes, admitting them, and learning from them. It’s about helping people in a way that makes them know they can be better.
Worldwide Impact
Tim Gentry wants to make a difference with his life. He looks to combine his knowledge of global contribution with his leadership abilities and his adventurous spirit to find ways to be of service to others.
Tim knows that he’s been blessed by the opportunities he’s had in his life, and he wants to use his time on earth to give back and make the planet a little better than it was when he started. The way he sees it, he’s been fortunate enough to have an education and a position in life which he can leverage to do good.
Tim founded the Early Bird Foundation, an organization for people who started their lives off early, often people who started families in their teenage years. Too often, these people put their education and career goals on the backburner, and Early Bird Foundation wants to help put people on a path to success by providing scholarships for both trade school and university degrees. Along with the financial sponsorships, Early Bird Foundation pairs the members with mentors and provides the types of skills that ensure their accelerated success.
Tim Gentry is also an active member of YPO.org and CEO.org.
Tim Gentry currently serves as President of Clubspeed.
You can also check Tim Gentry out on Entrepreneur.com – Focus on People to Drive Your Success

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